91. Removing table formatting

Removing Table Formatting

**Removing Table Formatting** in Excel converts a formatted table back into a standard range while retaining the data. This is useful when you no longer need the table’s advanced features, such as structured references or automatic styling.

Steps to Remove Table Formatting

  • Step 1: Select any cell in the table.
  • Step 2: Go to the Table Design tab on the ribbon.
  • Step 3: Click Convert to Range in the Tools group.
  • Step 4: Confirm the action when prompted. The table formatting will be removed, leaving plain data.

Interactive Example: Removing Table Formatting

Item Quantity Price
Apple 10 1.20
Banana 8 0.80
Carrot 5 0.50

The table is currently formatted. Click "Remove Table Formatting" to reset to plain data.

This example demonstrates how to remove formatting from a table while retaining the data structure.
