90. Sorting a table with filters
Sorting a Table with Filters
**Sorting with Filters** in Excel allows you to organize data in ascending or descending order based on one or more columns. This feature is useful for analyzing datasets efficiently.
Steps to Sort a Table
- Step 1: Click the filter dropdown in the header of the column you want to sort.
- Step 2: Choose Sort A to Z (ascending) or Sort Z to A (descending).
- Step 3: The table will rearrange itself based on the selected sorting criteria.
- Step 4: Repeat for other columns as needed.
Interactive Example: Sorting a Table
Name | Age |
Alice | 25 |
Bob | 30 |
Charlie | 22 |
Diana | 28 |
Select sorting criteria from the dropdowns above and click "Apply Sort" to rearrange the table.
This example demonstrates how to sort a table by Name or Age interactively. Select a sorting option and click the button to sort.
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