87. Converting a table back to a range

Converting a Table Back to a Range

**Converting a Table Back to a Range** allows you to remove the table-specific features while retaining the data and formatting. This is useful when you no longer need the advanced functionalities of a table, such as structured references or filter buttons.

Steps to Convert a Table Back to a Range

  • Step 1: Select any cell within the table.
  • Step 2: Go to the Table Design tab on the ribbon.
  • Step 3: Click Convert to Range.
  • Step 4: Confirm the action when prompted. The table will now be a standard range.

Interactive Example: Converting a Table to a Range

Product Category Price
Apple Fruit 1.20
Carrot Vegetable 0.80
Banana Fruit 1.00

The table is active. Click "Convert Table to Range" to proceed.

This example demonstrates converting an Excel Table back to a standard range while retaining its data.
