83. Using the Go To feature to navigate quickly

Using the Go To Feature to Navigate Quickly

**The Go To Feature** in Excel allows you to navigate directly to specific cells, ranges, or named ranges within a worksheet. This is particularly useful in large datasets where scrolling manually can be time-consuming.

Steps to Use the Go To Feature

  • Step 1: Open the Go To dialog box by pressing Ctrl + G or selecting Find & SelectGo To on the Home tab.
  • Step 2: Enter the cell reference (e.g., A1) or named range (e.g., SalesData).
  • Step 3: Click OK, and Excel will navigate directly to the specified cell or range.

Interactive Example: Using the Go To Feature

# Name Value
1 Alice 100
2 Bob 200
3 Charlie 300

Enter a cell reference to navigate.

Type a cell reference (e.g., A1) in the input box and click "Go To Cell" to highlight it in the table.
