78. Using named ranges

Using Named Ranges

**Named Ranges** in Excel let you assign a meaningful name to a cell or a range of cells. Instead of using cell references like A1:A10, you can use names like SalesData in your formulas. This makes your spreadsheets easier to read and maintain.

Steps to Create and Use Named Ranges

  • Step 1: Select the cell or range of cells you want to name.
  • Step 2: Click on the Name Box (left of the formula bar) and type the desired name (e.g., SalesData).
  • Step 3: Press Enter to assign the name.
  • Step 4: Use the named range in your formulas (e.g., =SUM(SalesData)).

Interactive Example: Using Named Ranges

Item Quantity Price
Apples $1.00
Bananas $0.50
Cherries $2.00

Use Named Range in Calculation:

Result will be displayed here.

Define a named range for the 'Quantity' column, and then use it in a formula to calculate the total quantity.
