65. Using UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER for case changes

Using UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER for Case Changes

Excel provides three functions to manipulate the case of text:

  • UPPER: Converts all text to uppercase (e.g., "john doe" becomes "JOHN DOE").
  • LOWER: Converts all text to lowercase (e.g., "JOHN DOE" becomes "john doe").
  • PROPER: Capitalizes the first letter of each word (e.g., "john doe" becomes "John Doe").

Steps to Use UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER

  • Step 1: Select the cell containing the text you want to transform.
  • Step 2: Enter the formula:
    • =UPPER(A1) for uppercase
    • =LOWER(A1) for lowercase
    • =PROPER(A1) for proper case
  • Step 3: Press Enter to apply the function.
  • Step 4: Copy the transformed text to replace the original values if needed.

Interactive Example: Case Changes

1 john doe -- -- --
2 JANE SMITH -- -- --
3 aLiCe JoHnSon -- -- --

Click "Apply Case Changes" to transform the text into uppercase, lowercase, and proper case in their respective columns.
