25. Hiding and unhiding rows

Hiding and Unhiding Rows

Hiding rows in Excel allows you to temporarily remove them from view without deleting the data. Let’s learn how to hide and unhide rows:

Steps to Hide and Unhide Rows

  1. Step 1: Select the row or rows you want to hide.
  2. Step 2: Right-click and choose "Hide" from the context menu.
  3. Step 3: To unhide, select the rows above and below the hidden rows, right-click, and choose "Unhide."

Interactive Example

# A B C
1 Data 1A Data 1B Data 1C
2 Data 2A Data 2B Data 2C
3 Data 3A Data 3B Data 3C

Enter the row number to hide or unhide, then click the respective button to see the changes.
