17. Wrapping text in cells

Wrapping Text in Cells

Wrapping text in Excel allows you to display all the text in a cell by adjusting its height. This is especially useful for lengthy text entries. Let’s learn how to wrap text in cells:

Steps to Wrap Text in Cells

  1. Step 1: Select the cell or range of cells you want to format.
  2. Step 2: Go to the Home tab in the toolbar.
  3. Step 3: Click the Wrap Text button to enable or disable text wrapping for the selected cell.

Interactive Example

  A B C
1 This is a long text in A1 B1 has a lot of content C1 also has lengthy text
2 Short text Wrapping text can help! Text wrapping demo

Click on a cell, then use the "Wrap Text" button to enable or disable text wrapping for the selected cell.
