101. Understanding Excel formulas

Understanding Excel Formulas

**Excel Formulas** are expressions used to perform calculations, return information, manipulate data, and more. Formulas always start with an = sign and can use values, cell references, and functions to produce results.

Key Components of a Formula

  • Operators: Symbols like +, -, *, and / are used for arithmetic operations.
  • Cell References: Refer to cells in your worksheet, e.g., =A1+B1.
  • Functions: Predefined formulas like =SUM(A1:A10) or =AVERAGE(A1:A10).
  • Constants: Fixed values like 10 or "Text".

Steps to Create a Formula

  1. Click on the cell where you want the formula.
  2. Type = followed by your calculation, cell references, or functions.
  3. Press Enter to see the result.

Interactive Example: Excel Formulas

Value 1 Value 2 Formula Result
10 20 =A1+B1
5 15 =A2*B2

Edit the table above and click "Calculate Formulas" to see the results of your formulas.

This example demonstrates how Excel formulas work. You can edit the table to test different formulas and see the calculated results.
