100. Sharing a workbook for collaboration

Sharing a Workbook for Collaboration

**Sharing a Workbook** in Excel enables multiple users to collaborate on the same file simultaneously. Changes made by collaborators are tracked, ensuring that everyone stays updated.

Steps to Share a Workbook

  • Step 1: Open the workbook you want to share.
  • Step 2: Go to the Review tab and click Share Workbook.
  • Step 3: Check the option to allow changes by more than one user at the same time.
  • Step 4: Save the workbook in a shared location, such as OneDrive or a network drive.
  • Step 5: Share the link with collaborators to start editing.

Interactive Example: Sharing a Workbook

Workbook Content

Task Assigned To Status
Update financial report Alice In Progress
Prepare presentation Bob Not Started
Analyze sales data Charlie Completed

Click "Simulate Sharing" to see how collaboration is tracked.

This example demonstrates the concept of sharing a workbook for collaboration. Simulate changes to see how multiple users can edit simultaneously.
